Assoc. Prof. Merete WIBERG, PhD

Assoc. Prof. Merete WIBERG, PhD

Merete Wiberg is Associate Professor at Danish school of Education, Aarhus University, Denmark. MW is master in philosophy and musicand PhD in philosophy of education (2007).


Research interests: Theory/philosophy of learning; Didactics (Didaktik); moral education; ethical formation; the concept of Bildung; philosophy of Education.

Selected publications:

Qvortrup, A. &Wiberg M.(eds.)(2017).Dealing with Conceptualisations of Learning- learning between means and aims in theory and practice. Rotterdam: Sense Publisher

Qvortrup, A., Wiberg, M. Christensen, G.; Hansbøl, M. (2016) (eds.) On the Definition of Learning. Odense: University Press of Southern Denmark

Wiberg, M. (2014) Evidence based methods and conforming judgment. In: David Reimer; AneQvortrup; Karen Bjerg Petersen (eds).Evidence based education in Denmark. Cursiv

Wiberg, M.(2013). Learning rights, participation and toleration in student group work: A moral Perspective. In. Krogh, L.& Jensen, A.Aarup (Eds.)(2013). Vision, Challenges and Strategies; PBL Principles and methodologies in a Danish and Global Perspective. Aalborg: Aalborg University Press, p.103-116.