Merete Wiberg is Associate Professor at Danish school of Education, Aarhus University, Denmark. MW is master in philosophy and musicand PhD in philosophy of education (2007).
Research interests: Theory/philosophy of learning; Didactics (Didaktik); moral education; ethical formation; the concept of Bildung; philosophy of Education.
Selected publications:
Qvortrup, A. &Wiberg M.(eds.)(2017).Dealing with Conceptualisations of Learning- learning between means and aims in theory and practice. Rotterdam: Sense Publisher
Qvortrup, A., Wiberg, M. Christensen, G.; Hansbøl, M. (2016) (eds.) On the Definition of Learning. Odense: University Press of Southern Denmark
Wiberg, M. (2014) Evidence based methods and conforming judgment. In: David Reimer; AneQvortrup; Karen Bjerg Petersen (eds).Evidence based education in Denmark. Cursiv
Wiberg, M.(2013). Learning rights, participation and toleration in student group work: A moral Perspective. In. Krogh, L.& Jensen, A.Aarup (Eds.)(2013). Vision, Challenges and Strategies; PBL Principles and methodologies in a Danish and Global Perspective. Aalborg: Aalborg University Press, p.103-116.